Meet Adrian!

A simple dude trying to make a difference in a world where injustice seems to be the thing so many families around the world have to face, day in and day out.

With my co-creator and friend, Joshua, we embarked on a transformative journey
to Colombia, making a difference in the lives of many, but realizing that so much more needs to be done.

An idea came to mind, creating a brand with a dream: to create positive change!

Origin, Mission, And Impact

ASCIever was born after a decision to team up with my buddy Joshua to craft something epic: "Mission to Colombia." This game-changer became a ray Of hope for the struggling families living in the impoverished corners of Bogota, Colombia, We got fired up about global issues, especially human rights, during a learning expedition. A journey to Bulgaria, where through conversations with global leaders we realized that the learning experience, the spoken words, would not mean anything unless our feelings were put to action.

We spent our summer, 2023 in Colombia, driven by a Simple but impactful mission: providing aid to the vulnerable. We immersed in Bogota's impoverished neighborhoods. We were humbled by the lasting mark of compassion we were able to leave, learning about Colombia's internal conflicts and building strong ties with amazing nonprofit leaders.

Representing B'nai B'rith SF. as youth members Of the United Nations, we focused on helping people through "Fundacion Colombiana de Servicios Comunitarios." We received a Human Rights Initiative award, but the real deal here, is the difference we made.

Then there's ASCIever, a creation aimed at creating new ways to help those struggling,striving to create a lasting impact.

⭐Visiting Families in Bogota's Vulnerable Zones⭐

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⭐Joy, Meals, and Gifts for Families⭐

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⭐Groceries Provided to Bogota Families⭐

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⭐South Florida Teens In Action⭐

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⭐Creating a Better World for All⭐

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